NiELS eG Netzwerk innovativer Unternehmen für Energie- und Lärmschutzsanierung

Represented by:
Heinz Kölzer

NiELS eG - Network of innovative companies for Energy Efficiency, Noise Protection and Serial Construction
The requirements for digitalization in the construction industry have been rising sharply for years, parallel to the complexity in planning and construction.
In response to this, small and medium-sized companies and professionally committed individuals founded NiELS eG in 2013 in the legal form of a cooperative with the function of an "ARGE in perpetuity". The resulting value chain, which has continued to develop since then, is geared both in breadth and in depth to meeting a wide variety of requirements while maintaining a high quality of results. Intensive communication and collaboration between all participants must be ensured. Incorporating current results from research and development, NiELS is active in new construction, but even more so in existing buildings.
Requirements of the circular economy (Cradle2Cradle) with the largest possible proportions of natural, ideally renewable raw materials are the focus of planning and construction. In conjunction with a strong increase in prefabrication quotas and the resulting improvements in dimensional accuracy on the one hand and adherence to schedules on the other, measurable advantages are achieved in terms of result quality, life cycle costs and energy efficiency.
To this end, NiELS eG pools the expertise of its members, particularly in the areas of planning and execution. Another focus is on task-related further education on the digitization of construction for architects, specialist engineers as well as craftsmen and construction companies. In addition, NiELS eG offers innovative software solutions for a large part of the entire process chain, from landscape, urban and spatial planning to tasks in civil engineering, infrastructure and building construction, from energy simulation to tender award accounting, from the openBIM server landscape to prefabrication in Industry 4.0 and back to BIM.


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